
Seasonal Flu Vaccination


Influenza – flu – is a highly infectious and potentially serious illness caused by influenza viruses. Each year the make-up of the seasonal flu vaccine is designed to protect against the influenza viruses that the World Health Organization decide are most likely to be circulating in the coming winter.


Regular immunisation (vaccination) is given free of charge to the following at-risk people, to protect them from seasonal flu:


  • People aged 65 or over

  • People with a serious medical condition

  • If you are pregnant

  • People living in a residential or nursing home

  • The main carers for an elderly or disabled person whose welfare may be at risk if the carer becomes ill

  • Healthcare or social care professionals directly involved in patient care

For more information on flu immunisation, including background information on the vaccine and how you can get the jab, see Seasonal flu jab
Why is it important to eat well? 
A healthy, balanced diet supports our health. Eating well can help us to achieve and maintain a healthy weight, supports the development of a healthy immune system and provides us with energy to complete day to day tasks. Even if you are spending more time at home right now, it’s important to eat well to allow our body to function effectively. 


What can you do to eat well? 


Choosing a variety of foods that you enjoy can help you to achieve a balanced diet. Where possible, try and plan your meals in advance so that you can be sure you have the right foods available. Use a recipe book or search for new recipes on the internet, or try something new. To help maintain your energy levels, try and eat regularly – ideally three meals a day with snacks in between. Don’t forget to stay hydrated and drink plenty of fluids throughout the day. Staying hydrated can help maintain concentration levels and reduce the risk of falls. 


What tools are available to help?






BDA (British Dietetic Association)


‘A guide to good nutrition and hydration in older age’– covers common issues such as malnutrition, dehydration and constipation, as well as general healthy eating information:  


Age UK
Access to recipes and healthy eating on a budget