Suggestions & Complaints

We have a “Suggestions Box” in the porch where you can post any complements or concerns; anonymously if required. 
If you wish to make a formal complaint please write to the Practice Manager at the surgery address. 
An electronic copy of our complaints procedure can be found below.
Complaints Procedure – Llansamlet Surgery
Gweithdrefn Gwynion y Feddygfa – Meddygfa Llansamlet
We are doing our best to provide good quality, safe health care.  The demand on all surgeries is very high at the moment and we appreciate your patience with our systems and our staff.  Everyone at the surgery works very hard on a daily basis to deal with as many patients as possible.  We simply have to work within safe limits and turn some people away when maximum capacity is reached.  We would never turn away a patient with a genuine medical emergency and have a clear protocol to deal with patients of this nature.

NHS Policies on Complaints

We always endeavor to deal with complaints at practice level however, we understand that some will wish to take complaints further.  To support this, the NHS have compiled guidance on how to do this in the most effective manner.  The links below from Swansea University Health Board offer further help and advice, including the Health Board policies on ‘Putting Things Right’ and complaints.


Suggestions Form